Lightning kills more people than tornadoes and hurricanes combined.
Lightning Protection for Commercial Buildings
In the commercial industry, lightning strikes, both direct and indirect strikes,
have the following effects:
Evacuation Risks
It causes many Workers compensation claims and law suits
Costly roof and building repairs
Operating down-time while repairs are being made
Increased Insurance Premiums
As a lightning protection system installation contractor, we need to understand how a lightning event could affect a particular facility and mitigate potential
risks in a way that lightning currents will flow in a organized and predicted pattern. We treat each facility as a unique entity and develop a protection plan using all possible and applicable recommendations with the most suitable product. We provide unique grounding for towers that are more effective than the normal ground rods.
We are a certified Master Installer Company that will provide
UFC 3-575-01 and AFI 32-1065
Third Party Inspections:
Lightning Protection Institute - Master Installed Certification
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) - Master Label Certification
Other Services:
Provide lightning mitigation for 911 centers and police communication centers ETC. to protect sensitive electronic equipment
Install Surge Suppressors that have the best customer value results